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My Raffle Buddy
About My Raffle Buddy

My Raffle Buddy is fully owned and operated by Computer Development Systems, LLC. This website and its features are provided to our customers and end-users as an online service and its use is subject to our terms and conditions. Computer Development Systems, LLC does not directly or indirectly represent or share the views or opinions of any of the organizations that operate a private My Raffle Buddy site. Computer Development Systems, LLC is not responsible for the distribution, sales, organization, game management or licensing, sales, profit, or expenses associated with games of chance. Each organization that operates a private My Raffle Buddy site is responsible for registering with the appropriate authorities and maintaining their respective licensing. Computer Development Systems, LLC is not responsible for any content provided on an organization’s private My Raffle Buddy site. However, if you feel that site content is not appropriate, please contact if you find content on a member’s site to be derogatory or offensive so that we may review the content being provided and take appropriate actions.

Release Notes


Event Manager:
- Fix issues where the system was not accepting alternate time formats for the Event Date fields
- Added the ability for admins to upload maps, images, and other documents for an event
- Added the ability for admins to add Prize Claim instructions for an event
- Events no longer require an End Date (useful for ongoing events that do not have a designated end date)

Sponsor Manager:
- Added a "Contact" Field
- Fixed an issue where it was not validating format of the website URL, which was leading to broken links
- Added the ability for admins to designate a sponsor as either "Corporate" or "Event"
- Added the ability for admins to designate whether the sponsor should appear on the "Home" page and/or the "Contact Us" page
- Added the ability for admins to specify social media links (Facebook, Youtube, etc.) for sponsors

Contact Manager:
- Added the ability for admins to create additional Contact Types for contacts

Site Settings:
- Fixed an issue where the company's website was not being formatted correctly
- Added the ability for admins to specify social media links for company contacts
- When editing the Company Profile, the page will ask the user to save their changes if they attempt to switch to another tab on that page

Game Manager:
- If a game has more than ticket series, the series are now listed alphabetically
- An event can no longer have two raffles with the same name
- Added the ability for admins to set the default time interval between drawings
- Added the ability for admins to modiy an existing drawing, if the game is not yet live

Live Event:
- Cleaned up the layout of "Messages" section of the page, to make it easier for users to view and post notes and messages
- In the "My Numbers" section, winning numbers will now show up in green text
- Clicking on a winning number will now take the user to the prize details page for that drawing
- Added a section that shows the maps, images, and other documents for the event

Contact Us:
- The "Contacts" section now shows all contacts in a collapsed format by default, with the ability to view a contact's detailed info by clicking on it

Game Results:
- Clicking on a game listed on the page will now open a page showing the full details for that game
- Added the ability for admins to specify whether to show all games in a single column, or to split the list of games into 2 or more columns

Check My Numbers:
- Clicking on a winning number in the list will now take the user to theprize details page for that drawing

Winning Number Entry:
- Added the ability for admins and event coordinators to enter the selected prize and the winner's info when the winner claims their prize
- Revamped the interface to make it cleaner and easier to use on mobile devices

Manage Ticket Sellers & Buyers
- Created a page to allow admins to enter and track the sellers and buyers of tickets and ticket envelopes

Envelop Ticket Assignment:
- Created a page that allows admins to generate a range of ticket numbers for a game, and assign those ticket numbers to their respective envelopes

- Created a page that allows admins to create FAQ entries
- Created a public page that displays frequently asked questions about RaffleBuddy and the company running the event

Home page:
- Modified the layout to be cleaner, and work better on mobile devices
- Company admins can now modify the area at the top of the Home page to suit the needs of their company or for a specific event

Overall Changes:
- Modified functionality that retrieves winning numbers for games, so they now account for the fact that the same ticket can win multiple times per game.
- Modified functionality that lists the drawings for games, so they now correctly show a "Pending" status instead of "Closed" for any drawing that does not yet have a winning number entered.

Home page:
- Fix the layout of the Home page, so that the panels that are supposed to be side-by-side no longer wrap as long as the screen width is greater than 800

Event Details:
- Change the "View Live" link to show as a button instead of a link
- Change the Sponsors section to look the same on the Home page, Event Details page, and the Live Event page
- Remove excess space between the panels

Live Event
- The message and posts on the page are not being updated after an admin saves a change to one of the posts

Site settings:
- Modify the Preview so the links that show on it match those on the rest of the website
- Fix issue where the footer section of the preview does not match the rest of the website
- Change the "State" and "Inisials" fields to auto-capitalize

Multiple pages:
- Fix issues where some pages are missing breadcrumbs links
- Add a "Back" button to any "Edit" panel on all the pages in the Administration section
- Fix issues where some pages are not yet using the theme colors selected on the "Site Settings" page

Game Manageer:
- Move the "Add New Drawing" fields to the top of the list of existing drawing times

Raffle Results:
- Modify the page to display the drawings in 2 columns by default. This setting can be changed by an admin for specific events.

Check My Numbers:
- Fix issue where the displayed winners do not account for the fact that a Raffle ticket can win more than one drawing
- Fix issue where non-winning tickets are showing as "Closed", even though there are still upcoming drawings for that game.


Event Details:
- Clicking on a Sponsor now opens that sponsor link in a new browser tab
- Fixed issue where clicking on a Sponsor link will sometimes go to a non-existant page on the RaffleBuddy site, instead of going to the sponsor's website
- The "View All Sponsors" link at the bottom now only displays if there are more sponsors than can fit on the page

Sponsor Manager:
- Sponsors can now only upload one image, instead of having 3 different sizes. The site will now automatically resize the image as needed for different pages

Home Page:
- The Home page now shows a slideshow of all the company's official sponsors at the bottom of the page